OpenAPI Specification, formerly known as Swagger, is an API description format for RESTful services. In simple terms, it's a rulebook that makes sure everyone is on the same page

In the Zelus Labs API, we've adopted the OpenAPI standard to ensure our API documentation is precise, easy to understand, and provides a coherent developer experience. We've made sure that every endpoint, every input, and every response is clearly defined and documented, so you never have to guess what's expected or what you'll get in return.

Diving Deeper

Our OpenAPI documentation for the Zelus Labs API gives you a detailed look into every corner of our service:

  • HTTP methods: Descriptions for operations like GET, POST, DELETE, etc.

  • Parameters: Detailed views into required or optional parameters for each endpoint.

  • Responses: Comprehensive information about response structures, including status codes and example payloads.

  • Security: Essential details about authentication prerequisites for endpoints.

API Endpoint List

Here's a comprehensive list of our supported API endpoints, complete with their description:

Common Response Data Structure

We believe in consistency. Our APIs typically respond with a structure which conforms JSON-RPC response specification:

result: { 
    // ... payload
} | error? : IResponseError {
    code: string,
    message: string

This ensures you always know where to find the data you need and can handle any errors or messages that come your way.

Rate Limits

To ensure fair usage and system stability, we impose certain rate limits:

  • Free Tier: 60 requests per minute (RPM)

  • Premium Tier: 300 RPM

  • Enterprise Tier: Custom limits based on requirements.

Remember to handle 429 Too Many Requests errors gracefully in your applications.

Last updated